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Guildford Fencing Club Results from 1998/2000

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Club Competition results for 1999/2000 Season

Club Competition results for 1998/99 Season

Club Matches

Individual Results

Club Competitions

Results for 1999/2000 Season

Club Junior Under-11 2000

The under 11 competition was fenced on 12 May 2000. There was a strong entry of 9 fencers, fenced as a poule unique on two pistes.(For this age range, fights were fenced to the first of four hits, with a three-minute time range). A measure of the even spread of ability is that 5 places had to be decided on indicators. Victory went to Stephanie Ties, fencing well with a steady unhurried style.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wins HS HR Ind Place
1 Tom Rowles   0 V V 3 2 0 2 2




2 Eugene Palmer V   V V 2 2 V 2 V


26 16 +10


3 Paul Huffsmith 3 0   2 2 2 0 V 1


14 30 -16


4 Tristan Heney 3 2 V   1 2 1 1 2


16 30 -14


5 Ben Walker V V V V   0 2 V 1


23 23 0


6 Stephanie Ties V V V V V   1 V3 V



7 Cassie Tickner-Smith V 0 V V V V   D V



8 Edmund Hartland V V 2 V 3 2 V3   V


26 18 +8


9 Christopher Dodd V 2 V V V 2 0 0  



Club Handicap 2000

The handicap this year had a strong entry, whith 17 fencers in the first round, reducing to a pool of 8 in the second round (one of whom had to retire, giving a pool of 7). The handicap system this year was the same as last - the better fencers have a lower handicap, and the handicap is added to the number of hits fenced.  First place from the pool was a tie between a fencer with a high handicap and a fencer with a low one, showing that the system works!

The table shows the results of the final pool:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H'cap HS Total Place
1 Les Smith   1 1 V 1 2 V 18 15 33 4
2 Jon Woodrow V   1 V3 1 4 V 10 19 29 6
3 Tim Schofield V V   V V V V 7 30 37 1=
4 Stephanie Ties 2 2 0   0 3 3 18 10 28 7
5 Steve Pope V V 1 V   V V 6 26 32 5
6 Jon Cryer V V 0 V 0   V 17 20 37 1=
7 Cassie Tickner-Smith 4 4 3 V 1 4   18 16 34 3

In the barrage for first place, Tim beat Jon by 5 hits to nil. (This saves the handicap system from any criticism in its adjustment for small pool sizes!)

Club Foil 2000

This was the first competition of the year 2000. The first round narrowed the number of competitors from 15 to 8, and the result of the final pool was

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wins HS HR Ind Place
1 Philip Fenn   V 3 V 3 V V 2 4 28 25 +3 4
2 Tim Schofield 4   2 V V V V 4 4 30 25 +5 3
3 Steve Pope V V   V V V V 1 6 31 14 +17 2
4 Tim Rothwell 2 4 0   1 V 2 0 1 14 34 -20 7
5 Jon Woodrow V 3 0 V   V 3 2 3 23 23 0 5
6 Michael Mullins 1 0 1 4 1   4 1 0 12 35 -17 8
7 Derick Bowler 3 3 3 V V V   4 3 28 29 -1 6
8 Simon Pearson V V V V V V V   7 35 14 +21 1

Club Novices' Foil 2000

There were eight entrants in the novices' foil this year, and it was an even contest with none having over a year's experience. The competition was organised as a pool unique, spread over two electric pistes.

Thanks should go to the referees and other helpers, and the club members who loaned electric equipment without which the competition could not have run properly.

Club 1-Hit épée 2000

This first competition of the season was fenced under rules which provided not only for a 1-all double defeat if a double hit was registered, but for a 0-all double defeat when a fight went to time!
Round A             Wins Ind Place
Meg Schofield   D D D D V 1 -3 6
Phil Fenn V   V D D D 2 -1 4
Martin Cohen V D   D D D 1 +1 5
Simon Pearson V V D   V V 4 +3 1
Paul Enticknap V V V D   D 3 +1 2=
Tim Schofield D V V D V   3 +1 2=

Round B             Wins Ind Place
Paul Enticknap   D V D D D 1 -3 5=
Martin Cohen V   D D D V 2 0 3
Meg Schofield D V   D D D 1 -3 5=
Simon Pearson V D V   V V 4 +4 1
Tim Schofield V V V D   V 4 +3 2
Phil Fenn V D V D D   2 -1 4

The final places were therefore:

  1. Simon Pearson, 8 victories
  2. Tim Schofield, 7 victories
  3. Phil Fenn and Paul Enticknap, tied with 4 victories each

Results for 1998/1999 Season

Club Junior Foil June 1999

There were 11 entries, fenced in a pool unique and fiercely contested. First 3 places were:

1. Chloe Twydell (9 victories, after a barrage)
2. Edmund Hartland (9 victories)
3. Christopher Schofield (8 victories)

Club Handicap 1998/99

Round 1

The first round of the club handicap was fenced on 30 April 1999. This year electric equipment was used for the first time, which considerably de-randomised the scoring!

Bouts are fenced normally to five hits. However, ranking in the pool is based on the sum of hits scored and a pre-assigned handicap (which is adjusted for the size of the pool). In theory this system favours those with higher handicaps; but the results of pool 1 shows the theory does not always work out! Pool 2 is more typical; note that the handicaps are adjusted for the size of the pool, and that Tim Schofield's high handicap results from his having to fence left-handed as he is recovering from tennis elbow.

Pool 1             HS H'cap Total Place
David Hydes   D V V V V 23 8 31 2
Meg Schofield V   V V V V 25 8 33 1
Richard Hall 1 1   V V V 17 11 28 4
Simon Rowling 0 1 4   2 V 12 12 24 5
Chris Dodd 0 1 2 V   V 13 16 29 3
Alec Johnson 2 0 0 0 3   5 16 21 6


Pool 2           HS H'cap Total Place
Derick Bowler   2 V V 4 16 4 20 5
Jon Woodrow V   V V V 20 6 26 1=
Andy Stent 2 2   4 V 13 8 21 4
Tim Schofield 2 3 V   V 15 11 (L/H) 26 1=
Chris Schofield V 4 3 1   13 12 25 3

Club Handicap Final Round

The final round ended with an outright win to Meg Schofield (and it is the first time she has fenced foil in a year!). Jon employed some crafty foil techniques to counter Meg and David's épée tendencies and a barrage was necessary to decide second place. The two Christophers fought very well, with their shorter reach substantially compensated for by a much smaller target! The rather low spread of total scores shows that this handicap system is working quite well.

Final             HS H'cap Total Place
Meg Schofield   V V V V V 25 8 33 1
Jon Woodrow 4   V V V 3 22 8 30 3
Chris Dodd 2 4   3 4 0 13 16 29 4
Tim Schofield 0 1 V   V 3 14 14
28 5
Chris Schofield 0 1 V 4   1 11 15 26 6
David Hydes 2 V V V V   22 8 30 2


Barrage for
2nd place
    HS H'cap Total Place
Jon Woodrow   3 3 2 5 2
David Hydes V   5 2 7 1

One-Hit épée 1998/99

One-Hit épée Round 1

            Wins HS HR
Derick Bowler   D V D D 1 3 3
Simon Pearson D   V V D 2 3 2
Tim Schofield D D   D D 0 2 4
Kostya Onyshihenko V D D   V 2 3 2
Paul Enticknap D V D D   1 3 3

One-Hit épée Round 2

            Wins HS HR
Tim Schofield   V V D D 2 2 2
Simon Pearson D   V D V 2 2 2
Paul Enticknap D D   D V 1 1 3
Kostya Onyshihenko V V V   V 4 4 0
Derick Bowler V D D D   1 1 3


1st Kostya 6 wins

2nd Simon 4 wins

3rd equal, everyone else on 3 wins

Sabre One-Hit épée

(Not including Martin who took part as a guest fencer)

            Wins HS HR Ind Place
David Hydes   V 1 2 4 1 12 17 -5 3
Andy Stent 2   3 1 V 1 11 17 -6 4
Derek Groves V V   V V 4 20 10 +10 1
Ted Lacey V V 4   V 3 19 9 +10 2
Simon Pearson V 2 2 1   1 10 19 -9 5

Club Epée Competition 1998/99

Paul won the competition comfortably on 12th March 1999. Meg's form was disappointing (she was recovering from two days of GCSE exam); but Jon made a very creditable second place, while Andy - who has only fenced Epée a few weeks - was unlucky his excellent footwork and timing only brought him one win. It was Ted Lacey's last competition before he retires to Devon, and this cannot be a bad result to take with him.  

Club Epée 1999 Place
1 Andy Stent   3 2 V 2 1 5
2 Martin Cohen V   3 4 2 V 4
3 Jon Woodrow V V   V 1 4 2
4 Meg Schofield 2 V 1   2 3 6
5 Paul Enticknap V V V V   V 1
6 Ted Lacey V 2 V V 0   3


Club Matches

GMBG Launch - 29 January 2000

Guildford Fencing Club participated in the launch of the Guildford Millennium Borough Games by participating in a series of matches against Guildford Spectrum and Farnborough.  We are grateful to the Spectrum.sports centre for allowing us to use part of their main sports arena for this event, which was enthusiastically received by all who took part - especially our younger fencers, who tell me they would like more matches, please.


We tried out the new format - first to 45 - for the team épée event against Guildford Spectrum. An early lead by Tim against James was recovered by Simon's powerful performance against Derick in the second bout, and Spectrum then led all the way to a solid victory of 45 points to 35. Teams were:

Novice Foil

This match was fought in the traditional format, first to 5 hits.The result was a 7-2 victory for Guildford.

1 Tom       3 1 0
2 Hannah    
1 V
3 Richard       3 2 1
4 Michael H V V V      
5 Michael J V 4      
6 Tim R V      

Under 12 Foil

To equalise the numbers, Florian (who has recently joined Guildford) joined the Farnborough team for this match. The result was a 7-2 victory for Guildford, a triumph for the more experienced Guildford fencers against a slightly older average age of the Farnborough team.

1 Stephanie       3 V V
2 Naomi    
2 V
3 Edmund        V
4 Danial V V 1      
5 Ailie 1 3 4      
6 Florian 1 1 4      

Under 10 Foil

This match was fought in the traditional style, first to 3 hits in each bout. The result was a 6-3 victory for Guildford against Farnborough.

1 Hector       V 3 V
2 Harry    
3 Eugene        V
4 William 0 V 0      
5 Oliver V V 3      
6 Clare 4 2 1      


Barwell Competition - 21 November 1999

This year the Barwell was held at Ewell Castle School, and teams from eight clubs competed. Guildford. s team consisted of Meg Schofield (Ladies Foil), Simon Pearson (Epee), Steve Pope (Men. s Foil) and Dragan Radosavljevic. (Sabre). Simon and Dragan won four fights each, while Meg remembered enough about foil to win five fights. Overall, the team finished 3rd =, with the first place in this friendly Surrey team competition going once again to Wimbledon. Steve and Dragan are recent joiners at GFC and this was a good start in their first match for us.

Individual Results

Club members who have recorded individual results this year are:Stephanie Ties, Cassie Tickner-Smith, Chloe Twydell, Christopher Schofield, Margaret Schofield, Timothy Schofield, Kostya Onyshihenko, Simon Pearson.

Stephanie Ties

Surrey Age Group Foil, U12, 28th November 1999 4th
SE England U12 Foil, 12 March 2000 5th

Cassie Tickner-Smith

Surrey Age Group Foil, U12, 28th November 1999 5th
Eton Foil, U13, 25 March 2000 2nd

Chloe Twydell

Surrey Age Group Foil, U12, 8th November 1998 1st
William Perkins U14, 13th November 1999 Last 8
Surrey Age Group Foil, U14, 28th November 1999 2nd

Christopher Schofield

Eton Leon Paul Series, U11 boys, 26th April 1998 15th
William Perkins U12, 13th November 1999 Last 16
Surrey Age Group Foil, U12, 28th November 1999 5th

Naomi Baker

SE England U12 Foil, 12 March 2000 6th

Natalie Lloyds

SE England U12 Foil, 12 March 2000 10th

Margaret Schofield

Supported by Guildford Borough Council

British women's épée championships, Hendon 16 May 1998 10th
Isle Of Wight Open Epée, 17 May 1998 5th
Excalibur inter-county competition, May 1998, in Surrey team Team 1st
Redhill One-Hit Epée (Cauchard Cup), 21 June 1998 3rd (ladies, after barrage), 16th (mixed)
Surrey Ladies Foil, 7 June 1998 2nd
Recklinghaused Cadet Foil, July 1998 Last 64
Jesus College Open-Air Epée, 5 July 1998 (Mixed) Last 64
Norfolk Open Women's Epée, 19th July 1998 15th
Essex Open Epée, 5th September 1998 14th
Bristol Open Epée, 19th September 1998 9th
Shropshire Open Epée, 26th September 1998 3rd
Leicester Open Epée 33rd
Heidenheim Cadet Epée, 31st October 1998 64th
Cadet (U17) Womens Epée Championships, 24th October 1998 6th
Junior (U20) Womens Epée Championships, 25th October 1998 10th
Welsh Open Womens Epée, 15th November 1998 9th (highest-placed cadet)
Bonn Cadet Epée, 7th February 1999 top 24
Cadet Winton (representing SE England) ladies' foil team, December 1998 Team 1st (SE England 2nd overall)
World Championships, Kethszely, 31st March 1999 69th
National Epée, 16th May 1999 21st
National Team Epée, 17th May 1999 fencing for Haverstock 1st
Bristol Open Last 32
Shropshire Open 3=
Leicester Open Last 32
Tyneside Open Epée, 6th Nov 1999 6th
Welsh Open Epée 31st
National U18 Epée, 12th February 2000 3rd=
Surrey Ladies Epée, 13 February 2000 1st
Ipswich International Epée (A-grade), 2 April 2000 Last 64

Timothy Schofield

Isle Of Wight Open Epée, 17 May 1998 23rd
Redhill One-Hit Epée (Cauchard Cup), 21 June 1998 11th (mens), 12th (mixed)
Jesus College Open-Air Epée, 5 July 1998 (Mixed) 10th
Norfolk Open Epée, 19th July 1998 8th
Essex Open Epée, 5th September 1998 unplaced
Aldershot Open Epée, 17th January  
Slough Open Epée, 7th Feb 1999 64th
Redhill One-Hit Epée (Cauchard Cup), 25 June 1999 6th= (mens) 8th= (mixed)
Bristol Open Epée Last 128
Shropshire Open Epée Last 64
Leicester Open Epée Last 128
Surrey Epée, 13th February Last 16

National Veterans Association Epée, 12 March 2000


Kostya Onyshihenko

Redhill One-Hit Epée (Cauchard Cup), 21 June 1998 4th
Hereford and Worcester Open Epée, 5 December 1998 13th

Simon Pearson

Isle Of Wight Open Foil, 16th May 1998 23rd
Isle Of Wight Open Epée, 17th May 1998 5th
Surrey Mens Foil, 7 June 1998 7th
Norfolk Open Foil, 19th July 1998 27th
Norfolk Open Epee, 19th July 1998 32nd
Isle Of Wight Open Foil, 15th May 1999 19th
Isle Of Wight Open Epée, 16th May 1999 7th
Bristol Open Epée Last 64
Surrey Epée, 13 February 7th
National Veterans Association Foil, 11 March 2000 24th
National Veterans Association Epée, 12 March 2000 37th

These pages are not specifically authorised by Guildford Fencing Club. Nevertheless, we try to avoid any controversial content: please contact mailcontact.png if you have any questions placing WEB at start of subect line.

Last updated 3 February 2002.

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